[104美國直購] Samson Go Mic Portable USB Condenser Microphone 便攜式 USB IPAD專用 電腦專用話筒 電容式麥克風
[104美國直購] Samson Go Mic Portable USB Condenser Microphone 便攜式 USB IPAD專用 電腦專用話筒 電容式麥克風。影音與家電人氣店家玉山最低

       最近有些網友在問[104美國直購] Samson Go Mic Portable USB Condenser Microphone 便攜式 USB IPAD專用 電腦專用話筒 電容式麥克風要去哪裡買最便宜呢?現在很多線上購物EC平台都有銷售該商品!Yale也嘗試積極推荐,並介紹我該商品優缺點。最近我也在找[104美國直購] Samson Go Mic Portable USB Condenser Microphone 便攜式 USB IPAD專用 電腦專用話筒 電容式麥克風的相關資訊~因為我自己也想要了解[104美國直購] Samson Go Mic Portable USB Condenser Microphone 便攜式 USB IPAD專用 電腦專用話筒 電容式麥克風,所以到處尋找資訊做功課.

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150321bj_Samson Go


Portable USB condenser microphone
Plug and Play Mac and PC compatible, no drivers required
Custom compact design that clips to a laptop or sits on a desk
Perfect for recording music, podcasting and field recording
Ideal for voice recognition software, iChat, VoIP and web casting

Product Details
Product Dimensions: 6 x 1 x 5 inches ; 8 ounces
Shipping Weight: 1 pounds warranty and support issues.
ASIN: B001R76D42
Item model number: SAGOMIC

Product Description
Product Description
Further expanding on its diverse line of USB microphones, Samson introduces Go Mic, the ideal portable recording microphone that clips to your laptop. Go Mic is perfect for recording music, podcasts or field recording, but its range of functionality extends beyond typical USB microphones. Ideal for voice recognition software, iChat, web casting and even Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), Go Mic is the ideal solution for recording on the go.

Samson Portable USB Go Mic
Everything you need to elevate the quality of your podcasts. View larger

Samson Portable USB Go Mic
An easy, inexpensive solution to enhance communication quality. View larger

Samson Portable USB Go Mic
Jam out right on your computer and never miss a note. View larger
Because of its custom, compact design, the Go Mic can clip right onto your laptop or sit unobtrusively on your desk. Plug and play operation also means it's completely compatible with a Mac OS or Windows, with no drivers required.

High-quality components and meticulous engineering ensure the Go Mic offers remarkably clear, professional audio reproduction. Thanks to its switchable cardioid and omni polar patterns, you can pick whichever pattern is more appropriate for your specific situation. Use the tightly focused cardioid pickup pattern when recording a podcast, acoustic guitar or vocals. Or use the omnidirectional pattern to capture the entire room, whether you're jamming with your band, webcasting with a group or conducting an online meeting with multiple members in a single location. Plus, with a frequency response of 20Hz - 18kHz and a resolution of 16-bit/44.1kHz, you can be sure you're getting professional audio specs in a compact, multi-purpose design.

Samson Portable USB Go Mic
The ideal, portable recording mic that clips to your laptop. View larger
Podcasting Perfection

As the podcasting trend continues to grow, standards for audio quality and ease of use grow with it. Go Mic surpasses expectations for both needs with CD quality audio and the ability to record directly into your preferred software program. No matter whether you're a PC or Mac loyalist, Go Mic has you covered. And if you don't already have a recording program on your computer, Go Mic comes with Music Creator software, so you get everything you need to elevate the quality of your podcasts in one box. Go Mic can help you wow your listeners and set yourself apart in a crowded podcasting community.

Communication Clarity

If you're a frequent online communicator, Go Mic provides an easy, inexpensive solution to enhance the quality of your communication. Whether your preferred method of interaction is Skype, iChat or VoIP, Go Mic can introduce a level of clarity you didn't think was available. On the road for work? Make sure you can hear about your family's day like they're right there in the room with you. Online meeting with potential clients? Ensure every crucial word of your proposal is articulated with the in-person enthusiasm you're looking for. With Go Mic, you can make any online interaction clearer and more personal.

Multimedia Magic

For multimedia enthusiasts, Go Mic brings impeccable quality to your voiceover work. If your adding narration to a video, Go Mic can ensure your words create the impact you're looking for. There's no reason to lose the power of your voiceover due to poor audio quality. Make sure your audio sounds as good as your video looks with Go Mic.

Musical Maestro

Whether you're a singer/songwriter recording vocals and acoustic guitar, or a band looking to capture the room sound of a jam right on your computer, Go Mic will make sure you don't miss a note. Use the cardioid mode to capture vocals or close-mic an instrument. Or get the sound of a full band by flipping to omnidirectional mode, ensuring sound is recorded from all directions of the room. Whatever the application, Go Mic can help you take your music to the next level.

Go Mic is perfect for anyone who wants to make great recordings on a computer. And no matter where you go to record, Go Mic goes with you.

About Samson

Samson Technologies began in 1980 as a pioneer in wireless microphone technology. Today, Samson is an industry leader in professional audio solutions whose products are known for their fidelity and reliability. Samson products are preferred by recording artists, performers, educators and audio professionals throughout the world.

In the early '90s, Samson began to expand the reach of their audio products through the development of power amplifiers, mixers, wired microphones and signal processors. In 2005, the first professional USB microphones to be used by musicians, broadcasters and podcast enthusiasts were introduced, making Samson USB microphones the new industry standard. Over three decades, Samson has grown from a small two-person operation to a worldwide enterprise, dedicated to innovating new products that will enhance the lives of music and broadcast professionals everywhere.
Further expanding on its diverse line of USB microphones, Samson introduces Go Mic, a portable recording microphone that clips to your laptop. Go Mic is perfect for recording music, podcasts or field recording, but it also makes a great solution for use with voice recognition software, iChat, web casting and even Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP). Because of its custom, compact design, the Go Mic can clip right onto your laptop or sit unobtrusively on your desk. Plug and play operation also means it's completely compatible with a Mac OS or Windows, with no drivers required.

Go Mic goes where you go. Click to enlarge.

Conveniently clips right on your laptop.

Folds up for easy transport.

Quality Capturing
High-quality components and meticulous engineering ensure the Go Mic offers remarkably clear, professional audio reproduction. Thanks to its switchable cardioid and omni polar patterns, you can pick whichever pattern is more appropriate for your specific situation. Use the tightly focused cardioid pickup pattern when recording a podcast, acoustic guitar or vocals. Or use the omnidirectional pattern to capture the entire room, whether you're jamming with your band, webcasting with a group or conducting an online meeting with multiple members in a single location. Plus, with a frequency response of 20Hz - 18kHz and a resolution of 16-bit/44.1kHz, you can be sure you're getting professional audio specs in a compact, multi-purpose design.

Podcasting Perfection
As the podcasting trend continues to grow, standards for audio quality and ease of use grow with it. Go Mic surpasses expectations for both needs with CD quality audio and the ability to record directly into your preferred software program. No matter whether you're a PC or Mac loyalist, Go Mic has you covered. And if you don't already have a recording program on your computer, Go Mic comes with Music Creator software, so you get everything you need to elevate the quality of your podcasts in one box. Go Mic can help you wow your listeners and set yourself apart in a crowded podcasting community.

Communication Clarity
If you're a frequent online communicator, Go Mic provides an easy, inexpensive solution to enhance the quality of your communication. Whether your preferred method of interaction is Skype, iChat or VoIP, Go Mic can introduce a level of clarity you didn't think was available. On the road for work? Make sure you can hear about your family's day like they're right there in the room with you. Online meeting with potential clients? Ensure every crucial word of your proposal is articulated with the in-person enthusiasm you're looking for. With Go Mic, you can make any online interaction clearer and more personal.

Multimedia Magic
For multimedia enthusiasts, Go Mic brings impeccable quality to your voiceover work. If your adding narration to a video, Go Mic can ensure your words create the impact you're looking for. There's no reason to lose the power of your voiceover due to poor audio quality. Make sure your audio sounds as good as your video looks with Go Mic.

Musical Maestro
Whether you're a singer/songwriter recording vocals and acoustic guitar, or a band looking to capture the room sound of a jam right on your computer, Go Mic will make sure you don't miss a note. Use the cardioid mode to capture vocals or close-mic an instrument. Or get the sound of a full band by flipping to omnidirectional mode, ensuring sound is recorded from all directions of the room. Whatever the application, Go Mic can help you take your music to the next level.

Go Mic is perfect for anyone who wants to make great recordings on a computer. And no matter where you go to record, Go Mic goes with you.

What's in the Box
Go Mic Microphone, USB cable, Cable Clip, Mic Stand Adapter, Zipper Carrying Pouch

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